Sunday, February 12, 2012

Valentines Day and other Holidays with Autism

I remember school holiday parties with Teenzilla- elaborate goody bags for her classmates, some fancy treat for the party, and of course getting her all dolled up too.  Things are sooooo much different with The Boy.

First off- all of the sugar fueled hysteria that is a class holiday party stresses him out. Games and crafts hold no interest for him, and he is such a picky eater that the food doesn't matter to him either.

When he was in the AI (autistic impaired) class - they always had VERY low key celebrations. Usually these included just the class of 5-6 kids, so it was quieter and much more relaxed. They had the opportunity to go visit their mainstream classrooms for their celebrations- but The Boy would go for all of 5 minutes and immediately want to go back to his other class.  He is doing the same thing in his new school- with the exception of Halloween, when he was completely mainstreamed and not just part time. Now that he spends a good part of his day in a contained special ed class- he still chooses to have his party time with the small group of students as opposed to the big shindig in the other class.
See how much he doesn't give a shit?

This should (and does to some extent) take the pressure off of me to do elaborate goody bags and all that hoopla. I still make heart shaped breakfast and all that. But I have to say I kinda miss doing all that fun stuff. Even for an unimaginative, manipulative interpretation of romance "holiday" most folks know as Valentines Day.

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