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Not quite awake- or overwhelmed? |
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! I would say I hope I didn't offend anyone - but I really don't care if I did. If I said- "Hey- your mother blows goats" then yes- if you weren't offended I would be worried about you. But Merry Christmas?? That is what I celebrate- that is what I wish you and if you don't like it- I will hold some mistletoe over my ass and you can kiss it, ok?
Now- back to the intended subject of this blog- The Holidaze and Autism... two things that don't often mix well. The rushing, the loud music, the winter clothes, the crowds, new foods can all be a sensory NIGHTMARE for the child with Autism. Meltdowns are more likely to happen during this time of year- and with all of the other things going on it is VERY easy as a parent to get overwhelmed ourselves. So here are some things that we have found helps us out this crazy time of year...and being blessed with a child who has High Functioning Autism, we have it easier than some folks. But these tips can be helpful for ANY child and frazzled parent. So here goes...
1)This time of year is filled with meeting new people and the social stresses of being polite, and thanking people for gifts can put a BIG strain on a kiddo on the spectrum. Social stories are AMAZING helpers - but so is a willingness as parents to be understanding, TRY and limit interactions that involve a lot of new people and settings. Don't do too much on any one day, if possible- limit things to one event a day. And if at all possible- try to entertain at your house- this gives your child a safe environment where expectations are understood.

3)Sensory issues during the holidays - where to begin? New foods, new textures, new sounds....it can be a veritable mine field for a autistic child. Some things that might help are Keep clothes soft and comfortable,
( this is particularly hard for me as I am the "Let's get dressed up" mom). Serve a favorite at meals, or have them eat before. This is a cardinal rule in our house- nothing worse than a hungry kid ANY kid. Don't force hello's and goodbyes- this is a chaotic time with a lot going on- forcing the issue is NOT in anyone's best interest! Crowded malls bring out the worst in people- imagine not having the ability to filter all of the noise, touching, lights and loud people- you would meltdown too!! try and shop without then kid - you will BOTH be better off!
4) Make sure family and friends are well informed about your child's "quirks". What might be mistaken as obnoxious or rude behavior is more than likely just a part of your autistic child's personality. Seeing the world in black and white can be a blessing and a curse. Especially around the holidays when we might be interacting with people that we don't see often, and who may not always be on our top 10 list. Make sure guests are aware that your kid may need a break- and they are walking away without answering because they feel overwhelmed, not because they are being a brat. Or ( especially in our house) the kiddo answering a question or engaging in conversation that is COMPLETELY about dinosaurs- just smile and nod- we will take care of it when it seems to be out of control.
5)Find ways that your kid can help to make the holidays their own. Baking, decorating, setting the table, helping with Christmas cards- be as creative as you can. This is an amazing tradition builder as well as making Christmas with Autism a good time for all.
So whether it is a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Blessed Yule or Merry Jar of Dirt for you- I hope some of these will help. And please- by all means wish me a Happy/Merry/Blessed whatever- I promise not to be offended.... just leave my mother out of it.
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Give us a kiss! |
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